Home/industry automation using web based remote control

Home/Industry Automation using Web based Remote Control

(Final Year Project)

This project aims to automate/control manually operated devices in a typical home/industry. The idea is to control electrical devices globally using smart phones, tablets or PCs  via a web based interface or control panel with no limitation on control distance. The web based control panel can be accessed from anywhere in the world via internet. All the controls and measurements are displayed on a website in real time. The hardware  can still be controlled via hardware remote control when there is no internet but the user has to be physically present near the hardware. We have implemented the following features in our project

 1.  Prevention of unauthorized access by prompting for username and password at the login screen when the website is first accessed.

2. Live security camera feed.

3. RFID based access control system for unlocking the doors.

4. AC fans speed control by using phase chopping technique.

5. Real time energy consumption monitoring in a convenient way.The user interface displays the Voltage, Current and Power being consumed and  previous record of energy consumption is also saved in the database which can later be graphed to see the history of energy consumption.

6. Switching ON/OFF lights and fans etc.

7. Device scheduling is also implemented to switch ON/OFF devices at predetermined times set by user.

8. Humidity, temperature, and light  intensity are monitored.

9. Alarm when smoke or fire is detected.

10.  Presence detection light switch ON system.

11. Water tank filling automation.

Block Diagram


BeagleBone Black (BBB)

BeagleBone Black is a low-cost, community-supported development platform for developers and hobbyists. It has the following features


AM335x 1GHz ARM® Cortex-A8
4GB 8-bit eMMC on-board flash storage
3D graphics accelerator
NEON floating-point accelerator
2x PRU 32-bit microcontrollers


USB client for power & communications
USB host
2x 46 pin headers

Software Compatibility

Cloud9 IDE on Node.js w/ BoneScript library

The main processor board used is BeagleBone Black .These boards have always been popular as a high-end alternative to an Arduino. They are great when some serious processing power is needed.
This board also offers Ethernet connectivity. As we have to run a web server to host the online control panel which requires both processing power and internet connectivity, therefore, this board is used.


We have used a bunch of sensors in the project. These sensors were also possible to be interfaced directly with the beaglebone black but doing so was hugely slowing down the webserver because beaglebone black has only a single core processor. So, to fetch the sensory data, we used Arduio which sends the data to the beaglebone board through serial port.


The following sensors are used in the project.

1.  MQ2 smoke sensor used for fire alarm.
2. HC-SR04 ultrasonic range sensor to detect the water level in the water tank.
3. PIR motion detection sensor for implementing presence detection light ON system.
4. Non invasive AC current transformer to measure the AC current.
5. DHT11 for humidity and temperature measurement.

Other Hardware Components

1. Relays to interface low voltage microprocessor to mains AC voltage
2. 12V motor pump to fill the water tank.
3. Voltage transformer to measure the mains voltage by the microprocessor's ADC.

Relay Circuit

Vin represents a 3.3V signal from the BBB which switches the relay through a BJT transistor. The flywheel diode protects from the damage the inductive coil of the relay can do to the system.

Fan Speed Control

This circuit cuts off the voltage to the load for some portion of the time during each cycle .The average voltage delivered to the load is directly proportional to the ON time. So, we can effectively control the power hence speed of the fan.

The variable resistor R2  in the circuit diagram determines the ON time/cycle for the triac and hence the load. R2  is replaced by an LDR whose resistance is governed by the brightness of an LED. The brightness is varied by a Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) signal  from the BBB. Thus there is no direct contact of BBB with high AC voltage. We hacked a conventional household fan dimmer to obtain the above circuit and replaced the variable resistor with an LDR. The following images show sine waveforms with different ON times/cycle.



The smart home automation website provides a control panel to the users, allowing them to monitor, control and automate their home appliances. This website has two parts, client side and server side.

Client side

The client side is designed in HTML 5, CSS 3 and JavaScript. It also creates sessions every time a user logs in. The session remains active until the user hits logout.

Server side

The server is built using back end JavaScript framework Node.JS. Login credentials are validated using Passport.JS (a framework used for implementing secure login). The following Node.JS libraries are used

1. Express.JS
3. Socket.IO
4. Mongoose
5. Connect-flash
6. Passport.JS
7. Morgan
8. Body-parser
9. Express-session
10. Node-schedule
11. Moment
12. Bone Script

Website Features

The Home Page

The home page allows the user to do the following things
1. Switch the light ON/OFF
2. Watch live security camera feed
3. Unlock the door
4. Switch ON/OFF and control speed of a fan
5. Monitor the temperature, humidity and light intensity
6. Monitor the mains voltage and energy consumption

The Bill Page

The bill page allows the user to monitor the past and real time energy consumption. This is facilitated by the use of a graph which is updated every second. The user can choose two points on the graph and enter per unit price which will tell him his bill between those two points.

The Scheduling Page

The scheduling page allows the user to set ON and OFF timings of a particular device. This feature is useful when a device needs to be switched ON and OFF daily at the same time. Using this feature will automate the process.

The Water Tank Page

The water tank page allows the user to automate his water tank by specifying an upper and a lower level on a slide bar on the side of the water tank image. The slide bar is calibrated in percentage from 0 to 100%. The water tank image shows the current water level as well as the status of the pump motor as a stopped/running water tap. The water-pump will turn ON as soon as the water level reaches the lower level mark and turn OFF as soon as it reaches the upper level mark as specified by the user.

Access Control System Using RFID

This feature allows the user to unlock the door just by scanning the card by bringing it near the RFID card reader. The door can also be unlocked by clicking the lock image on the home page of the website. A solenoid based lock is used.


1. It is a low cost solution towards internet of things or IoT.

2. All the electrical devices of the house can be controlled sitting in one place either inside the house or outside anywhere in the world via internet.

3. Air conditioners can be turned ON remotely to chill the house well before the user reaches home.

4. Devices can be turned OFF remotely if accidentally left ON.

5. Power usage data is recorded and monitored in real time which can be sent to Electric Supply Companies for billing purposes.

6. Real time power usage can be monitored by the company to regulate power conveniently.

7. Electricity theft can be prevented by comparing the energy consumption with the electricity bill.

8. Can introduce new ways of billing including credit/debit cards and scratch cards. Thus reducing bill payment hassles.

Implementation in Industries

The hardware can be modified to implement it in the industries for control and/or automation. High power relays and triacs can be used to control industrial loads/machines and big motors. Production can be increased by monitoring the status and output of different machines in an industry. It can also be used by the production manager of an industry to monitor the production status of several plants in a mile long industry right from his office.

Beaglebone Black Code/Website on GitHub


Arduino Code

//rfid global + function
/* Typical pin layout used:
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *             MFRC522      Arduino       Arduino   Arduino    Arduino          Arduino
 *             Reader/PCD   Uno           Mega      Nano v3    Leonardo/Micro   Pro Micro
 * Signal      Pin          Pin           Pin       Pin        Pin              Pin
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * RST/Reset   RST          9             49         D9         RESET/ICSP-5     RST
 * SPI SS      SDA(SS)      10            53        D10        10               10
 * SPI MOSI    MOSI         11 / ICSP-4   51        D11        ICSP-4           16
 * SPI MISO    MISO         12 / ICSP-1   50        D12        ICSP-1           14
 * SPI SCK     SCK          13 / ICSP-3   52        D13        ICSP-3           15

#include <SPI.h>
#include <MFRC522.h>

#define RST_PIN         49           // Configurable, see typical pin layout above
#define SS_PIN          53          // Configurable, see typical pin layout above

byte buffer[18];
char target[] = {0x07 ,0x56 ,0x73 ,0x65 ,0x47 ,0x88 ,0x04 ,0x00 ,0x85 ,0x00 ,0xB4 ,0x2E ,0xF0 ,0xBB ,0x6A ,0xA8 };

MFRC522 mfrc522(SS_PIN, RST_PIN);

int lockState=0;

#define NR_KNOWN_KEYS   8

byte knownKeys[NR_KNOWN_KEYS][MFRC522::MF_KEY_SIZE] =  {
    {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}, // FF FF FF FF FF FF = factory default
    {0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5}, // A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
    {0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5}, // B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5
    {0x4d, 0x3a, 0x99, 0xc3, 0x51, 0xdd}, // 4D 3A 99 C3 51 DD
    {0x1a, 0x98, 0x2c, 0x7e, 0x45, 0x9a}, // 1A 98 2C 7E 45 9A
    {0xd3, 0xf7, 0xd3, 0xf7, 0xd3, 0xf7}, // D3 F7 D3 F7 D3 F7
    {0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc, 0xdd, 0xee, 0xff}, // AA BB CC DD EE FF
    {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}  // 00 00 00 00 00 00

void dump_byte_array(byte *buffer, byte bufferSize) {
    for (byte i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++) {
        Serial.print(buffer[i] < 0x10 ? " 0" : " ");
        Serial.print(buffer[i], HEX);

boolean try_key(MFRC522::MIFARE_Key *key)
    boolean result = false;
    byte block = 0;
    byte status;
    status = mfrc522.PCD_Authenticate(MFRC522::PICC_CMD_MF_AUTH_KEY_A, block, key, &(mfrc522.uid));
    if (status != MFRC522::STATUS_OK) {
        return false;

    // Read block
    byte byteCount = sizeof(buffer);
    status = mfrc522.MIFARE_Read(block, buffer, &byteCount);
    if (status != MFRC522::STATUS_OK) {
    else {
        // Successful read
        result = true;
        //dump_byte_array((*key).keyByte, MFRC522::MF_KEY_SIZE);
        // Dump block data
        //Serial.print("Block "); Serial.print(block); Serial.print(":");
        //dump_byte_array(buffer, 16);

    mfrc522.PICC_HaltA();       // Halt PICC
    mfrc522.PCD_StopCrypto1();  // Stop encryption on PCD
    return result;

//end rfid global + function

//ir sensor global
#include <IRremote.h>
int RECV_PIN = 15;
IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);
decode_results results;
int irFlag=0;
int bulbState=0;
int fanState=0;//speed
int fanSwitchState=0;//fan on/off
//end ir sensor global

//ultrasonic range sensor global + function
int thisisNeeded=0;
int waterState=0;
int pump=0;
#define trigPin 31
#define echoPin 33
#define lowLevel 0
#define highLevel 100
#define pumpRelayPin 35

double getValue(int per)
return (((double) 100-per)*.17)+7;

double getPercentage(double x)
double y=(x-6)/11;
return (double) (1-y)*100;
//end ultrasonic range sensor global + function

//light sensor global
#include <Wire.h>
#include <BH1750FVI.h>
BH1750FVI LightSensor;
int pwm_pin=3,pwm_duty_cycle=127;
int luxSet=250;
//end light sensor global

//#define smokeAnalogPin A0

//dht11 global
#include "DHT.h"
#define DHTPIN 4  
#define DHTTYPE DHT11
float tempState=0;
int humidityState=0;
//end dht11 global

//ds1032 rtc global
#define DS1302_SCLK_PIN   5    // Arduino pin for the Serial Clock
#define DS1302_IO_PIN     6    // Arduino pin for the Data I/O
#define DS1302_CE_PIN     7    // Arduino pin for the Chip Enable

#define bcd2bin(h,l)    (((h)*10) + (l))
#define bin2bcd_h(x)   ((x)/10)
#define bin2bcd_l(x)    ((x)%10)

// Register names.
// Since the highest bit is always '1',
// the registers start at 0x80
// If the register is read, the lowest bit should be '1'.
#define DS1302_SECONDS           0x80
#define DS1302_MINUTES           0x82
#define DS1302_HOURS             0x84
#define DS1302_DATE              0x86
#define DS1302_MONTH             0x88
#define DS1302_DAY               0x8A
#define DS1302_YEAR              0x8C
#define DS1302_ENABLE            0x8E
#define DS1302_TRICKLE           0x90
#define DS1302_CLOCK_BURST       0xBE
#define DS1302_CLOCK_BURST_READ  0xBF
#define DS1302_RAMSTART          0xC0
#define DS1302_RAMEND            0xFC
#define DS1302_RAM_BURST         0xFE
#define DS1302_RAM_BURST_WRITE   0xFE
#define DS1302_RAM_BURST_READ    0xFF

// Defines for the bits, to be able to change
// between bit number and binary definition.
// By using the bit number, using the DS1302
// is like programming an AVR microcontroller.
// But instead of using "(1<<X)", or "_BV(X)",
// the Arduino "bit(X)" is used.
#define DS1302_D0 0
#define DS1302_D1 1
#define DS1302_D2 2
#define DS1302_D3 3
#define DS1302_D4 4
#define DS1302_D5 5
#define DS1302_D6 6
#define DS1302_D7 7

// Bit for reading (bit in address)
#define DS1302_READBIT DS1302_D0 // READBIT=1: read instruction

// Bit for clock (0) or ram (1) area,
// called R/C-bit (bit in address)
#define DS1302_RC DS1302_D6

// Seconds Register
#define DS1302_CH DS1302_D7   // 1 = Clock Halt, 0 = start

// Hour Register
#define DS1302_AM_PM DS1302_D5 // 0 = AM, 1 = PM
#define DS1302_12_24 DS1302_D7 // 0 = 24 hour, 1 = 12 hour

// Enable Register
#define DS1302_WP DS1302_D7   // 1 = Write Protect, 0 = enabled

// Trickle Register
#define DS1302_ROUT0 DS1302_D0
#define DS1302_ROUT1 DS1302_D1
#define DS1302_DS0   DS1302_D2
#define DS1302_DS1   DS1302_D2
#define DS1302_TCS0  DS1302_D4
#define DS1302_TCS1  DS1302_D5
#define DS1302_TCS2  DS1302_D6
#define DS1302_TCS3  DS1302_D7

// Structure for the first 8 registers.
// These 8 bytes can be read at once with
// the 'clock burst' command.
// Note that this structure contains an anonymous union.
// It might cause a problem on other compilers.
typedef struct ds1302_struct
  uint8_t Seconds:4;      // low decimal digit 0-9
  uint8_t Seconds10:3;    // high decimal digit 0-5
  uint8_t CH:1;           // CH = Clock Halt
  uint8_t Minutes:4;
  uint8_t Minutes10:3;
  uint8_t reserved1:1;
      uint8_t Hour:4;
      uint8_t Hour10:2;
      uint8_t reserved2:1;
      uint8_t hour_12_24:1; // 0 for 24 hour format
    } h24;
      uint8_t Hour:4;
      uint8_t Hour10:1;
      uint8_t AM_PM:1;      // 0 for AM, 1 for PM
      uint8_t reserved2:1;
      uint8_t hour_12_24:1; // 1 for 12 hour format
    } h12;
  uint8_t Date:4;           // Day of month, 1 = first day
  uint8_t Date10:2;
  uint8_t reserved3:2;
  uint8_t Month:4;          // Month, 1 = January
  uint8_t Month10:1;
  uint8_t reserved4:3;
  uint8_t Day:3;            // Day of week, 1 = first day (any day)
  uint8_t reserved5:5;
  uint8_t Year:4;           // Year, 0 = year 2000
  uint8_t Year10:4;
  uint8_t reserved6:7;
  uint8_t WP:1;             // WP = Write Protect
//end ds1032 rtc global

//motion sensor global
int pirPin = 8;    //the digital pin connected to the PIR sensor's output
int ledPin = 13;
int motion=0;
//end motion sensor global

//mq2 smoke sensor global
int smokeState=0;
long smokeTime=0;
#define         MQ_PIN                       (0)     //define which analog input channel you are going to use
#define         RL_VALUE                     (5)     //define the load resistance on the board, in kilo ohms
#define         RO_CLEAN_AIR_FACTOR          (9.83)  //RO_CLEAR_AIR_FACTOR=(Sensor resistance in clean air)/RO,
                                                     //which is derived from the chart in datasheet

//Software Related Macros************************************/
#define         CALIBARAION_SAMPLE_TIMES     (50)    //define how many samples you are going to take in the calibration phase
#define         CALIBRATION_SAMPLE_INTERVAL  (500)   //define the time interval(in milisecond) between each samples in the   value=500
                                                     //cablibration phase
#define         READ_SAMPLE_INTERVAL         (50)    //define how many samples you are going to take in normal operation
#define         READ_SAMPLE_TIMES            (5)     //define the time interal(in milisecond) between each samples in
                                                     //normal operation

//Application Related Macros**********************************/
#define         GAS_LPG                      (0)
#define         GAS_CO                       (1)
#define         GAS_SMOKE                    (2)

float           LPGCurve[3]  =  {2.3,0.21,-0.47};   //two points are taken from the curve.
                                                    //with these two points, a line is formed which is "approximately equivalent"
                                                    //to the original curve.
                                                    //data format:{ x, y, slope}; point1: (lg200, 0.21), point2: (lg10000, -0.59)
float           COCurve[3]  =  {2.3,0.72,-0.34};    //two points are taken from the curve.
                                                    //with these two points, a line is formed which is "approximately equivalent"
                                                    //to the original curve.
                                                    //data format:{ x, y, slope}; point1: (lg200, 0.72), point2: (lg10000,  0.15)
float           SmokeCurve[3] ={2.3,0.53,-0.44};    //two points are taken from the curve.
                                                    //with these two points, a line is formed which is "approximately equivalent"
                                                    //to the original curve.
                                                    //data format:{ x, y, slope}; point1: (lg200, 0.53), point2: (lg10000,  -0.22)                                                  
float           Ro           =  10;                 //Ro is initialized to 10 kilo ohms

//end mq2 smoke sensor global

float val = 0;

int calibrationTime = 15;//30      
long unsigned int lowIn;      
long unsigned int pause = 5000;

boolean lockLow = true;
boolean takeLowTime;

void setup() {
  int baud=19200;
  Serial.begin (baud);
  Serial1.begin (baud);

//rfid setup
  SPI.begin();                // Init SPI bus
  mfrc522.PCD_Init();         // Init MFRC522 card
//end rfid setup

//ir sensor setup
  irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start the receiver
//ir sensor setup

//ultrasonic range sensor setup
  pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(pumpRelayPin, OUTPUT);
//end ultrasonic range sensor setup

//light sensor setup
//end light sensor setup

//dht11 setup
//end dht11 setup

//mq2 smoke sensor setup
  //pinMode(A0, INPUT);
  Serial.print("Calibrating mq2...\n");              
  Ro = MQCalibration(MQ_PIN);                       //Calibrating the sensor. Please make sure the sensor is in clean air
                                                    //when you perform the calibration                  
  Serial.print("Calibration is done...\n");

//end mq2 smoke sensor setup

//motion sensor setup
  pinMode(pirPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(pirPin, LOW);
//end motion sensor setup

//ultrasonic range sensor setup
  pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
//end ultrasonic range sensor setup

//ds1302 rtc setup
  ds1302_struct rtc;
  Serial.println(F("DS1302 Real Time Clock"));
  Serial.println(F("Version 2, March 2013"));

  // Start by clearing the Write Protect bit
  // Otherwise the clock data cannot be written
  // The whole register is written,
  // but the WP-bit is the only bit in that register.
  DS1302_write (DS1302_ENABLE, 0);

  // Disable Trickle Charger.
  DS1302_write (DS1302_TRICKLE, 0x00);

// Remove the next define,
// after the right date and time are set.

  // Fill these variables with the date and time.
  int seconds, minutes, hours, dayofweek, dayofmonth, month, year;

  // Example for april 15, 2013, 10:08, monday is 2nd day of Week.
  // Set your own time and date in these variables.
  seconds    = 50;
  minutes    = 53;
  hours      = 12;
  dayofweek  = 2;  // Day of week, any day can be first, counts 1...7
  dayofmonth = 18; // Day of month, 1...31
  month      = 11;  // month 1...12
  year       = 2014;

  // Set a time and date
  // This also clears the CH (Clock Halt) bit,
  // to start the clock.

  // Fill the structure with zeros to make
  // any unused bits zero
  memset ((char *) &rtc, 0, sizeof(rtc));

  rtc.Seconds    = bin2bcd_l( seconds);
  rtc.Seconds10  = bin2bcd_h( seconds);
  rtc.CH         = 0;      // 1 for Clock Halt, 0 to run;
  rtc.Minutes    = bin2bcd_l( minutes);
  rtc.Minutes10  = bin2bcd_h( minutes);
  // To use the 12 hour format,
  // use it like these four lines:
  //    rtc.h12.Hour   = bin2bcd_l( hours);
  //    rtc.h12.Hour10 = bin2bcd_h( hours);
  //    rtc.h12.AM_PM  = 0;     // AM = 0
  //    rtc.h12.hour_12_24 = 1; // 1 for 24 hour format
  rtc.h24.Hour   = bin2bcd_l( hours);
  rtc.h24.Hour10 = bin2bcd_h( hours);
  rtc.h24.hour_12_24 = 0; // 0 for 24 hour format
  rtc.Date       = bin2bcd_l( dayofmonth);
  rtc.Date10     = bin2bcd_h( dayofmonth);
  rtc.Month      = bin2bcd_l( month);
  rtc.Month10    = bin2bcd_h( month);
  rtc.Day        = dayofweek;
  rtc.Year       = bin2bcd_l( year - 2000);
  rtc.Year10     = bin2bcd_h( year - 2000);
  rtc.WP = 0;

  // Write all clock data at once (burst mode).
  DS1302_clock_burst_write( (uint8_t *) &rtc);
//end ds1302 rtc setup


void loop() {

// rfid loop

// Look for new cards
    // Select one of the cards
    // Try the known default keys
    MFRC522::MIFARE_Key key;
    for (byte k = 0; k < NR_KNOWN_KEYS; k++) {
        // Copy the known key into the MIFARE_Key structure
        for (byte i = 0; i < MFRC522::MF_KEY_SIZE; i++) {
            key.keyByte[i] = knownKeys[k][i];


        // Try the key
        if (try_key(&key)) {
            if (memcmp(buffer, target, sizeof(target))==0){
               Serial.println("Acces granted");
               Serial.println("Acces denied");

//end rfid loop

//ir sensor loop

  bulbState=0;//clear for next flag raisal

  if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {
    Serial.println(results.value, HEX);
                              }//end if
      else if(results.value==33454215)
      else if(results.value==33444015)
      else if(results.value==33435855)
       else if(results.value==33423615)

    irrecv.resume(); // Receive the next value

//end ir sensor loop

//ultra sonic sensor loop

  long duration;
  double distance;
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
  duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
  distance = (duration/2) / 29.1;
  Serial.println(" cm");

    digitalWrite(pumpRelayPin, HIGH);  
  else if(distance<=6){
    digitalWrite(pumpRelayPin, LOW);


//end ultra sonic sensor loop

//light sensor loop
  uint16_t luxState = LightSensor.GetLightIntensity();// Get Lux value
  Serial.print("Light: ");
  Serial.println(" lux");

  if(luxState>luxSet && irFlag){//if lux is greater than luxSet
     pwm_duty_cycle=pwm_duty_cycle-1;   //decrease pwm duty cycle
     analogWrite(pwm_pin,pwm_duty_cycle );//set pwm duty cycle

   else if(luxState<luxSet && irFlag){          //if lux is less than luxSet
     pwm_duty_cycle=pwm_duty_cycle+1;   //increase pwm duty cycle
     analogWrite(pwm_pin,pwm_duty_cycle );//set pwm duty cycle

//end light sensor loop

//dht11 loop
  float h = dht.readHumidity();
  // Read temperature as Celsius
  float t = dht.readTemperature();
  // Read temperature as Fahrenheit
  float f = dht.readTemperature(true);

  // Check if any reads failed and exit early (to try again).
  if (isnan(h) || isnan(t) || isnan(f)) {
    Serial.println("Failed to read from DHT sensor!");

  // Compute heat index
  // Must send in temp in Fahrenheit!
  float hi = dht.computeHeatIndex(f, h);

  Serial.print("Humidity: ");
  Serial.print(" %\t");
  Serial.print("Temperature: ");
  Serial.print(" *C ");
  Serial.print(" *F\t");
  Serial.print("Heat index: ");
  Serial.println(" *F");

//end dht11 loop

//smoke sensor loop
   int lpg=MQGetGasPercentage(MQRead(MQ_PIN)/Ro,GAS_LPG);
   Serial.print( "ppm" );
   Serial.print("    ");
   int co=MQGetGasPercentage(MQRead(MQ_PIN)/Ro,GAS_CO) ;
   Serial.print( "ppm" );
   Serial.print("    ");
   int smok=MQGetGasPercentage(MQRead(MQ_PIN)/Ro,GAS_SMOKE);
   Serial.print( "ppm" );
   long timeDiff=millis()-smokeTime;
   Serial.print("Time Diff:");
   //if((lpg>5 || co>5 || smok>5) && timeDiff >= 30000){
   if((lpg>0 || co>0 || smok>0) && timeDiff >= 30000){
//end smoke sensor loop

//motion sensor loop

     motion=0;//clear the motion flag

     if(digitalRead(pirPin) == HIGH){
     digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);   //the led visualizes the sensors output pin state
     //makes sure we wait for a transition to LOW before any further output is made:
     motion=1;//clear the motion flag
     lockLow = false;
     Serial.println("motion detected");
     takeLowTime = true;
     if(digitalRead(pirPin) == LOW){    
     digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);  //the led visualizes the sensors output pin state
     lockLow = true;
//end motion sensor loop

//ds1302 rtc loop
  ds1302_struct rtc;
  char buffer[80];     // the code uses 70 characters.

  // Read all clock data at once (burst mode).
  DS1302_clock_burst_read( (uint8_t *) &rtc);

  sprintf( buffer, "Time = %02d:%02d:%02d, ", \
    bcd2bin( rtc.h24.Hour10, rtc.h24.Hour), \
    bcd2bin( rtc.Minutes10, rtc.Minutes), \
    bcd2bin( rtc.Seconds10, rtc.Seconds));

  sprintf(buffer, "Date(day of month) = %d, Month = %d, " \
    "Day(day of week) = %d, Year = %d", \
    bcd2bin( rtc.Date10, rtc.Date), \
    bcd2bin( rtc.Month10, rtc.Month), \
    rtc.Day, \
    2000 + bcd2bin( rtc.Year10, rtc.Year));
  Serial.println( buffer);
//end ds1302 rtc loop

//send data to BBB loop
  char temp[150];
  else if(waterState<0)waterState=0;

  sprintf( temp, "bulbState=%d fanState=%d fanSwitchState=%d humidityState=%d lockState=%d luxState=%d motionState=%d smokeState=%d tapState=%d tempState=%d waterState=%d ;"
  ,bulbState,fanState,fanSwitchState,humidityState,lockState,luxState,motion,smokeState,pump,(int) tempState,waterState);
//end send data to BBB loop

}//end main loop

// --------------------------------------------------------
// DS1302_clock_burst_read
// This function reads 8 bytes clock data in burst mode
// from the DS1302.
// This function may be called as the first function,
// also the pinMode is set.
void DS1302_clock_burst_read( uint8_t *p)
  int i;


  // Instead of the address,
  // the CLOCK_BURST_READ command is issued
  // the I/O-line is released for the data
  _DS1302_togglewrite( DS1302_CLOCK_BURST_READ, true);

  for( i=0; i<8; i++)
    *p++ = _DS1302_toggleread();

// --------------------------------------------------------
// DS1302_clock_burst_write
// This function writes 8 bytes clock data in burst mode
// to the DS1302.
// This function may be called as the first function,
// also the pinMode is set.
void DS1302_clock_burst_write( uint8_t *p)
  int i;


  // Instead of the address,
  // the CLOCK_BURST_WRITE command is issued.
  // the I/O-line is not released
  _DS1302_togglewrite( DS1302_CLOCK_BURST_WRITE, false);

  for( i=0; i<8; i++)
    // the I/O-line is not released
    _DS1302_togglewrite( *p++, false);

// --------------------------------------------------------
// DS1302_read
// This function reads a byte from the DS1302
// (clock or ram).
// The address could be like "0x80" or "0x81",
// the lowest bit is set anyway.
// This function may be called as the first function,
// also the pinMode is set.
uint8_t DS1302_read(int address)
  uint8_t data;

  // set lowest bit (read bit) in address
  bitSet( address, DS1302_READBIT);

  // the I/O-line is released for the data
  _DS1302_togglewrite( address, true);
  data = _DS1302_toggleread();

  return (data);

// --------------------------------------------------------
// DS1302_write
// This function writes a byte to the DS1302 (clock or ram).
// The address could be like "0x80" or "0x81",
// the lowest bit is cleared anyway.
// This function may be called as the first function,
// also the pinMode is set.
void DS1302_write( int address, uint8_t data)
  // clear lowest bit (read bit) in address
  bitClear( address, DS1302_READBIT);

  // don't release the I/O-line
  _DS1302_togglewrite( address, false);
  // don't release the I/O-line
  _DS1302_togglewrite( data, false);

// --------------------------------------------------------
// _DS1302_start
// A helper function to setup the start condition.
// An 'init' function is not used.
// But now the pinMode is set every time.
// That's not a big deal, and it's valid.
// At startup, the pins of the Arduino are high impedance.
// Since the DS1302 has pull-down resistors,
// the signals are low (inactive) until the DS1302 is used.
void _DS1302_start( void)
  digitalWrite( DS1302_CE_PIN, LOW); // default, not enabled
  pinMode( DS1302_CE_PIN, OUTPUT);

  digitalWrite( DS1302_SCLK_PIN, LOW); // default, clock low
  pinMode( DS1302_SCLK_PIN, OUTPUT);

  pinMode( DS1302_IO_PIN, OUTPUT);

  digitalWrite( DS1302_CE_PIN, HIGH); // start the session
  delayMicroseconds( 4);           // tCC = 4us

// --------------------------------------------------------
// _DS1302_stop
// A helper function to finish the communication.
void _DS1302_stop(void)
  // Set CE low
  digitalWrite( DS1302_CE_PIN, LOW);

  delayMicroseconds( 4);           // tCWH = 4us

// --------------------------------------------------------
// _DS1302_toggleread
// A helper function for reading a byte with bit toggle
// This function assumes that the SCLK is still high.
uint8_t _DS1302_toggleread( void)
  uint8_t i, data;

  data = 0;
  for( i = 0; i <= 7; i++)
    // Issue a clock pulse for the next databit.
    // If the 'togglewrite' function was used before
    // this function, the SCLK is already high.
    digitalWrite( DS1302_SCLK_PIN, HIGH);
    delayMicroseconds( 1);

    // Clock down, data is ready after some time.
    digitalWrite( DS1302_SCLK_PIN, LOW);
    delayMicroseconds( 1);        // tCL=1000ns, tCDD=800ns

    // read bit, and set it in place in 'data' variable
    bitWrite( data, i, digitalRead( DS1302_IO_PIN));
  return( data);

// --------------------------------------------------------
// _DS1302_togglewrite
// A helper function for writing a byte with bit toggle
// The 'release' parameter is for a read after this write.
// It will release the I/O-line and will keep the SCLK high.
void _DS1302_togglewrite( uint8_t data, uint8_t release)
  int i;

  for( i = 0; i <= 7; i++)
    // set a bit of the data on the I/O-line
    digitalWrite( DS1302_IO_PIN, bitRead(data, i));
    delayMicroseconds( 1);     // tDC = 200ns

    // clock up, data is read by DS1302
    digitalWrite( DS1302_SCLK_PIN, HIGH);  
    delayMicroseconds( 1);     // tCH = 1000ns, tCDH = 800ns

    if( release && i == 7)
      // If this write is followed by a read,
      // the I/O-line should be released after
      // the last bit, before the clock line is made low.
      // This is according the datasheet.
      // I have seen other programs that don't release
      // the I/O-line at this moment,
      // and that could cause a shortcut spike
      // on the I/O-line.
      pinMode( DS1302_IO_PIN, INPUT);

      // For Arduino 1.0.3, removing the pull-up is no longer needed.
      // Setting the pin as 'INPUT' will already remove the pull-up.
      // digitalWrite (DS1302_IO, LOW); // remove any pull-up
      digitalWrite( DS1302_SCLK_PIN, LOW);
      delayMicroseconds( 1);       // tCL=1000ns, tCDD=800ns

//mq2 smoke sensor functions

/****************** MQResistanceCalculation ****************************************
Input:   raw_adc - raw value read from adc, which represents the voltage
Output:  the calculated sensor resistance
Remarks: The sensor and the load resistor forms a voltage divider. Given the voltage
         across the load resistor and its resistance, the resistance of the sensor
         could be derived.
float MQResistanceCalculation(int raw_adc)
  return ( ((float)RL_VALUE*(1023-raw_adc)/raw_adc));

/***************************** MQCalibration ****************************************
Input:   mq_pin - analog channel
Output:  Ro of the sensor
Remarks: This function assumes that the sensor is in clean air. It use
         MQResistanceCalculation to calculates the sensor resistance in clean air
         and then divides it with RO_CLEAN_AIR_FACTOR. RO_CLEAN_AIR_FACTOR is about
         10, which differs slightly between different sensors.
float MQCalibration(int mq_pin)
  int i;
  float val=0;

  for (i=0;i<CALIBARAION_SAMPLE_TIMES;i++) {            //take multiple samples
    val += MQResistanceCalculation(analogRead(mq_pin));
  val = val/CALIBARAION_SAMPLE_TIMES;                   //calculate the average value

  val = val/RO_CLEAN_AIR_FACTOR;                        //divided by RO_CLEAN_AIR_FACTOR yields the Ro
                                                        //according to the chart in the datasheet

  return val;
/*****************************  MQRead *********************************************
Input:   mq_pin - analog channel
Output:  Rs of the sensor
Remarks: This function use MQResistanceCalculation to caculate the sensor resistenc (Rs).
         The Rs changes as the sensor is in the different consentration of the target
         gas. The sample times and the time interval between samples could be configured
         by changing the definition of the macros.
float MQRead(int mq_pin)
  int i;
  float rs=0;

  for (i=0;i<READ_SAMPLE_TIMES;i++) {
    rs += MQResistanceCalculation(analogRead(mq_pin));


  return rs;

/*****************************  MQGetGasPercentage **********************************
Input:   rs_ro_ratio - Rs divided by Ro
         gas_id      - target gas type
Output:  ppm of the target gas
Remarks: This function passes different curves to the MQGetPercentage function which
         calculates the ppm (parts per million) of the target gas.
int MQGetGasPercentage(float rs_ro_ratio, int gas_id)
  if ( gas_id == GAS_LPG ) {
     return MQGetPercentage(rs_ro_ratio,LPGCurve);
  } else if ( gas_id == GAS_CO ) {
     return MQGetPercentage(rs_ro_ratio,COCurve);
  } else if ( gas_id == GAS_SMOKE ) {
     return MQGetPercentage(rs_ro_ratio,SmokeCurve);

  return 0;

/*****************************  MQGetPercentage **********************************
Input:   rs_ro_ratio - Rs divided by Ro
         pcurve      - pointer to the curve of the target gas
Output:  ppm of the target gas
Remarks: By using the slope and a point of the line. The x(logarithmic value of ppm)
         of the line could be derived if y(rs_ro_ratio) is provided. As it is a
         logarithmic coordinate, power of 10 is used to convert the result to non-logarithmic
int  MQGetPercentage(float rs_ro_ratio, float *pcurve)
  return (pow(10,( ((log(rs_ro_ratio)-pcurve[1])/pcurve[2]) + pcurve[0])));

//end mq2 smoke sensor functions
